Wednesday, June 25


A few weeks ago, our intern invited us to her family's ranch for some R&R. We were allowed to take guests. Richard wasn't feeling well so only Dan'l went with me.

We saw lots of different birds, horny toads, a coyote and turtles. By the way, my boy scout was the only one who could correctly identify the birds.

Red-winged blackbird enjoys the view.

Later that evening we drove around the ranch to feed the cows. Some had their own source of food.One of the many calves on the ranch. The coyotes like to eat them.

Most people know I am not the type of person who enjoys spending time outside so I missed Dan'l getting on the horse. I was inside the AC-cooled house when D rode the former race horse. Thank goodness for cameras.

And thanks to our hosts. We had a good time and even though there were lots of Angus cows, I had no problem eating a Cheesy Angus combo from my grocery store the next week.


meghant said...

I love Daniel. I miss him. Is he still my boyfriend?

myssi said...

You'll always be his first love.