Wednesday, January 14

Tomato Reign

One of the benefits of living in South Texas: home grown garden tomatoes.

I had ham with my juicy and just picked tomato.

Yes, I complain about living here most of the time and I bitch about how hot it gets, but it’s the perfect place to grow tomatoes in the middle of winter. This was our first tomato of this season and five more popped up this week.

It was too hot during the summer to grow anything decent, let along harvest anything. But mother nature made it up to me because I think the last time it was 32 degrees was 11 months ago.


Jen said...

Tomatoes are evil and gross. I can't eat them and your giant tomato scares me and will keep me far from Texas.

myssi said...

I forgot about your irrational hate for tomatoes. Tomatoes are friendly and versatile round fruits of the earth. You'll be happy to know I sliced the tomato into slices and happily ate it.

paprgl said...

why does j have an irrational dislike of tomatoes?