Wednesday, April 1

Begginer's Efforts

I finally finished another crochet project--a baby blanket for a girl.

I started this project because I messed up on the previous blanket. While the previous blanket is OK, I wanted to make up for not following the instructions and started this pink one.

Note the amazing craftsmanship.

It didn't take me long to get through the body. I worked on it during winter break, but I hit a wall and couldn't finish it. Not only that, it started to get really warm and the blanket on my stomach and thighs wasn't any fun.

It was just as hard for me to start the edging, which I started to mess up, but fixed along the way. See, I was working it in the round instead of turning over my work. Oops.

Don't mind the wonky edging.

The hard work paid off and my crochet teacher delivered the blanket to the expectant mom last Saturday. It's not my best work, but if it can keep someone warm at least temporarily, well, then my work is done.

It's almost a perfect rectangle.

Before anyone mentions it, yes, I agree it's old lady pink and not the fun cotton candy pink used in children's stuff, but I was drawn to this yarn because it's made from recycled plastic bottles and really soft. Also, I like old lady pink and the only other colors available were off white (edging), black, white, green and dark blue.


Jen said...

I am super impressed.

myssi said...

Thank you, but it's really easy--when you follow instructions and have someone coaching you. If I ever get to Chicago, I'll teach you what I know.

meghant said...

That's awesome! Maybe you could crochet one for Brian now......since he's out of work, he can just sit on the couch under his blanket and watch Real Housewives of New York City.

myssi said...

I'll make a matching robe and slippers too.