Tuesday, January 12

Good Things

I did it!

I finally finished a crochet project that makes me proud. With the previous blankets, it was more of a try to figure stuff out project. Then I started working on a coaster and abandoned that project after starting it many times. Then there was the baby booty I started that gave me more grief than my own baby ever did. So I chucked that one too.

This is why I'm so happy to have finished this tote. It didn't take me very long to do because it's the same stitches over and over. I did have to sew a lining, but I'm comfortable with sewing so that was OK. I threw in a planner, notepad and nice pen and it was good to go.

Now I'm ready to tackle something and not be embarrassed by giving it away when I finish it.

By the way, I made the tote for a woman at church who is going to have two surgeries very soon and it actually feels good to do something for someone else.


Jen said...

That is very very very cool. I am impressed with your crochet skillz. Your friend from church will love this.

myssi said...

Thank you. I hope she likes it. She's a scary math professor at the community college and I've exchanged like two words with her. Maybe this will open up a beautiful friendship. Ha.