Monday, February 8

Myssi's Movie Monday

I was pretty sick last week and watched a lot of TV, but I must have been really sick because I don’t remember much of what I watched. I have an idea I started getting better around Saturday because I actually remember what I watched Saturday.

The ol’ Netflix movie came in the mail, but I forgot that I had added “Ernest Saves Christmas” and wasn’t up to watching that. Fortunately, TCM saved the evening with some ‘70s flicks.

Dan’l and I saw “Bullet,” the first feature, sometime ago, but I had never seen “The French Connection.”

For a while back in my youth, I eschewed early ‘70s movies, with the exception of “The Godfather” and “The Exorcist.” It’s something about the way they’re shot—too gritty I suppose. But as I got older, my tastes changed and that ‘70s look and sound doesn’t bother me. Also, I gained an appreciation for Roy Scheider and thought I should watch it. After all, it won a bunch of awards. It should be good, right?

Eh, it was OK. Would I be lacking if I had never seen it? Did my life improve and my mind expand because I saw it? No, I liked but the shots of New York City in the 1970s. The ones I see now are generic (mostly "Fringe") to look like other cities so it's not lost on me that I liked how real it looked even though I originally didn't like it because it looked real. Oh well.

The story was interesting and hard to believe things like that happened. Who ships their car (other than the Scooby gang) to the country they're visiting and gets to drive it almost immediately? I know the po-po are still guilty of unnecessary roughness so that hasn't changed. Drugs are still a problem, but the methods of transportation are different. Who would have thought 30 years ago to smuggle it in a human body? But that's not the point.

The move was long, but it didn't drag. You know who the bad guy is all along and you think you know how they're going to grab them. Despite being nearly 40 years old, the movie holds up.

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