Monday, February 15

Myssi's Movie Monday

I feel that I am now back in the grove of my movie watching weekends. There are so many movies I want to watch and there’s so little time, especially on the weekends. It’s hard to make plans to watch movies when you also want to make plans to get out of town more. But we were in town this weekend and I decided to let TCM pick my movie—“Gladiator.”

I know this movie came out a while back, but not too long ago. I have no excuse for not having seen it, especially since one of the very few perks from my last job was free cable. I just never got around to it. Plus, it’s extremely long. So I settled on the couch and sent Dan’l to bed.

It took a while to get used to the idea of watching a movie where Russell Crow is a gladiator or a Roman Army general. The first time I saw him in a movie, he played a cool gay guy where he made out with a guy and felt him up. (That was when I was into Australian films at “The Village” in Austin.)

I settled into watching the movie and I must have been so comfortable that I caught myself falling asleep. I’d wake up and then go back to sleep. I couldn’t take it anymore, set the DVR to record and went to bed. So much for movie night. R stayed up and watched the whole thing. I’m such a wuss.

The next day, I almost didn’t watch it. The movie is long and I thought about how I nodded off the night before. I decided to watch it anyway and am glad I watched it. Russell has achieved a certain level of fame where I only see him, not the character he is playing, but he wasn’t that annoying. His character didn’t whine or cry about wanting to go home. He dealt with what he was given, nutted up and dealt with it.

The movie wasn’t predictable plus I was able to FF through the fighting scenes.

It’s nice to watch a movie after all the hype is gone. Maybe I’ll watch “Titanic” in 2020.


Jen said...

I saw that one in the theatre because I made Rob see Ya Ya Sisterhood and he hated it so this was my punishment. After this we didn't make each other see movies anymore. I fell asleep in the theatre watching this one. Hated it.

myssi said...

Haven't seen "Ya Ya" either, but that seems like a punishment far worse than "Gladiator."